Saturday, January 22, 2011


I attended the sketchcrawl at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles today. It seemed to me there were about 40 people participating, but I didn't know any of them! Most started with the Triceratops in the main atrium, then moved to other rooms. I went to the African Mammals room, which was very dark, and did some quick sketches. They feel a little cartoonish to me, but there you have it.


Alex said...

Lovely sketches! You've definitely captured the wildness in those animals ^^

Cathy Holtom said...

They don't look cartoonish to me, I wasn't expecting animals when I read Los Angeles!

Elza said...

Neither did I Cathy, so it made me sit up when I saw the sketches. Nice loose hand and a good eye. What a fun little safari.

Unknown said...

No, not cartoonish at all! Wonderful sketches and you did them in the dark! I love the way the ostriches are placed!