First of all, the photo is of a single salt cellar my sister picked out for me for my birthday last year. When I saw it, I declared it too lovely for table use and brought it into my studio, where it cheers and inspires me.
I used to today to salt some color tests that weren't working out. I recently purchased some very cheap gouache at Michaels, and was doing color charts. All I will say about that is that I'm going to buy some higher quality paint and try again. So I threw down some salt on the color charts to try to get some more interesting effects.
My sister is planning to take me with her to Germany in a few weeks, to advocate for her when she undergoes back surgery there. (The doctors there have the most experience in what she needs done.) We will be there 3-4 weeks.
So of COURSE I am thinking about what art necessities to take. What would be in your art travel bag for a trip like that? I have all kinds of colored and watercolor pencils, some peerless watercolor papers, it may be hard to edit it down satisfactorily. And it will be tempting to find an art supply store once I am there.
I'd love your comments on that question, as well as what colors are in your essential palette.
Well if you will be spending a lot of time in the hospital, I'd bring a couple moleskines, some fine tip markers (pilot) and some color markers (copic). That way the nurses won't yell at you to move your stuff. You can reach into a bag for most of this stuff without being in anyone's way. Best of luck!
If it were me, I'd bring a couple of 7.5"x5.5" watercolor sketchbook, my travel w/c box, a pencil, a pen, waterbrushes, papertowel, and small spraybottle. I was in the hospital just the other week visiting my grandfather and it worked out very well. Best wishes to your sister...hope it goes well and she recovers quickly!
This is not shameless self promotion, but I did a post about what I carry with me, and it is pretty much the same today, and that is at
I am sorry to hear about your sister, and wish you luck as an advocate, a safe trip, and great results.
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