Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Say it isn't so!

It can't have been 5 weeks since I've put anything up! The creative doldrums really took over, I got busy, had a pout about what was not happening in my studio, and I didn't go in....for 3 weeks or so. Today I realized that I was only perpetuating a negative state of mind, and I sent myself back in. The tiny things I had done and cast off as awful looked a little better to me today, so I am putting up a few, They are ATC size, 2 on gesso-covered moleskine paper (not the nice stuff) and one on 300 lb. cold press. So we have a stubby palm tree, a row of tall palms that you see lining some streets in Los Angeles, and a tribute to the canyon view from my house. The row of palms was done in watercolor pencil, the others in traditional watercolors. And all are imaginary landscapes.

EDM # 100-- Draw or paint a landscape.

I am also working on a larger piece, trying to capture a Joshua tree in watercolor, taking some time with it. If I get some ambition I may post the stages so you can suffer along with me.


Barbara B said...

Congratulations on getting back into the swing. I like the landscape very much!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back! I am looking forward to seeing what a Joshua Tree looks like - I have not heard of them before.

Lynn Logan Roselli said...

Glad to see you back. We all have gone through those times. Happy Creating!

Mari Brown and Colourblob said...

Yes, congratulations with getting back to painting again, I can relate to the frustration of being in the slump of things... I was stuck in mine for over a month. Glad to see that you got out fo yours. I like the mountain painting.

Alex said...

Lovely!!!! And well done on getting back up.... I am still searching for the time and energy to climb back up :(

Dan Kent said...

Ah, it is the suffering that makes it all worthwhile! Things usually never go right while I am doing something, and often it comes out okay in the end. I really like the palm tree - the textures and lines are very creative.

Anonymous said...

love the palm tree - so bold!