Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Years!

Thanks so much to everyone who posted to me and offered encouragement this year. It meant so much to me.

At the beginning of the year, I made a resolution: Learn to use watercolor. Lots of experiments and ups and downs later, and lots of art supply purchases later, I've made a start and had a lot of fun.

So now for a new resolution: Make art every possible day, and explore new tools and techniques.

So here is my New Years offering. I was playing with some new encaustics (does anyone else out there have a dangerous addiction to and decided to just throw down some random paint with the iron. I went away and forgot about them for a few days, but tonight I was cleaning up in my studio and a New Years Pegasus and balloon bouquet appeared!


Shirley said...

Happy New Years to You. Love your goals - daily drawing and watercolor painting has been the best teacher for me, even though I have lots more work ahead.

Alex said...

These are gorgeous =) Happy New Year

Cathy Holtom said...

Happy New Year, you have some good realistic goals very similar to mine last year!

Revelle Taillon said...

very nice! I've thought about trying encautics!