Nothing was working. I'd start on Yupo, then wipe it clean. Tried more tiger lilies and was completely "meh" with my results. So I decided to do something, anything, different. I took some various scraps and cut a stack of ATCs (Artist's trading cards, 2.5 x 3.5 inches). I found some paper that I had gessoed, glazed, and splatter painted with acrylics. I added some fabric hearts and lined them with bronze leaf pen. I found some gold cherubs and added them, then some valentines-inspired words and finished with embossing powder. Oh, and I added some color with some oil fabric painting sticks. Maybe the small scale and not being vested in the results helped me break through. Happy Valentines Day!
Best thing to do when something isn't working the way you want. You then made something really beautiful.
I really like the colors you put in your work =) Very earthy, lots of harmony
Great decision! And I should try to remember this...when things start 'not working out' for me, I tend to sulk and put down art for a while. This seems much better! Beautiful cards!
Mama, these are beautiful!
Gorgeous color. And the designs are so organic...it's nice that you could just let the project flow and not try to force anything. They have a grace and delicacy.
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