More,more more imaginary trees. The flowering pears have just bloomed along with the purple flowering plums. The first was done while waiting in a car with portable supplies, including Peterman watercolor papers. The next was started at the same time, but I wanted to play with resists and splatters so it was finished up in studio. I have not yet found the right brush for splattering....I used a toothbrush and got big spots I did not want with the masking fluid.
Next I pulled out the yupo and tried pink blossoming trees with masking fluid. I also switched back to the fan stippler, which I like more and more all the time.
I like them all and it looks like you enjoyed it too!
Very nice variations created by different techniques. Definitely a good (and fun) study
I know I've mentioned it already, but all this experimentation will have you growing in skill by leaps and bounds!
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