Friday, May 31, 2013

Lots going on!

Summers at our house are punctuated at the beginning and the end by Scottish festivals. Memorial Day weekend we always attend Scotsfest in Costa Mesa, CA, and Labor Day weekend we always attend the Caledonian Club Highland Games in Pleasanton, CA.  Over the years we have collected costumes and rituals to our summer celebrations.  After our challenging winter and spring, we were very happy to be back in Costa mesa for both days of this year's festival.

The work on my house is almost complete! My studio is back in business and I even get to work there some days.  That makes me happy, too.

Our local Artists' Association opened a new gallery show tonight, and I participated for the first time. I am not sure why I never thought to join the local guild before now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on you studio and exhibition.